The Battle is the LORD's - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The Battle is the LORD’s

The battle is MINE, says the LORD. Your fight is to keep the faith and stand in MY HOLY WORD that is a sure foundation for you. Stand in unwavering faith when all the odds are against you! Be firm and determined not to be moved by your circumstances or what you see, hear and understand. Do not trust in those things that are of the flesh, that are temporal, that are vying for your attention. TRUST IN MY SUPERNATURAL and superior power and presence, as I stand alongside to HELP YOU, and YOU WILL BE HELPED, says the LORD.

I will fight for you, and fight to the finish, says the LORD. I will hold you up with My Own right hand and keep you from falling. There is nothing that I cannot and will not do for you to keep you safe, secure you and give you the victory that you already know belongs to ME. I cannot be defeated. I Am for you and with you and not against you. No power can overwhelm Me, and you will not be defeated. You will win! You will recover all! You will not lose ONE THING, and not one hair of your head will be touched! Your battle is MY BATTLE, and it is already won, for you are MINE, and I will always cause you to triumph in ME, says the LORD.

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