There Will Arise a Great Army of Ready Warriors

Great is My faithfulness to you at all times, says the LORD. I have kept you all the days of your life, and you are where I want you to be right now. I Am the One who shifts you, and your times and seasons are in My hands that are in control of your destiny. Be assured that I Am always on task and on time. There is no delay in My performance, and nothing can alter the events that I have authored in your life that are shaping you, molding you, maturing you, and preparing you for the purposes I created you for to fulfill, says the LORD.

Those things that you do not understand, just commit them to Me, Who is infinite in understanding. The dark spots and difficult times in your life are just as important as the bright spots and the good times. For it is the times of testing that has refined your faith and fortified your resolve to go in the direction of your destiny. I will give you everything you need, and prepare you as well as others that I will align you with, so that there will arise a great army of ready warriors that will accomplish great feats for My kingdom and My glory. They will be ready to war a GOOD warfare, because of their own history of faithful endurance, and I will use them mightily to bring in the harvest that will be plentiful, says the LORD.

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