Unimpeachable, Glorious Gifts - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Unimpeachable, Glorious Gifts

Just as I will not withhold anything good from you, I will extract anything good from you, says the LORD. What I remove is the darkness that can even be felt by My light that is in you. I will give you peace that removes the unsettling and tormenting fears. I will give you that which cannot be taken from you, and destroy the diabolical works of the enemy that has attacked you. I remove the lies and the deceit and give you My pure Word that empowers you. I will remove the toxic things that sicken and weaken you so that you will become well and strong. I will not take from you anything that will benefit you, and I will not give you anything that is not good for you, says the LORD.

The gifts that I give you are YOURS, says the LORD. They are unimpeachable, and glorious. They are powerful and life changing. They will build you up and never tear you down. I give you GOOD THINGS to enjoy. The enemy wants you to believe that I Am against you when things go wrong, and that is the way I straighten you out! That is NOT true. The enemy is the one who sickens, steals, kills, destroys, but I CANNOT be in agreement with his destructive works. I will give you everything you need for life and peace, and empower you for good success that comes from Me. My life in you is eternal, abundant, and My Word and workmanship in you is GOOD. Trust in My love and My goodness and mercy for you that is constant. Be assured that I Am GOOD, I Am with you, and you are blessed, because you are MY child, says the LORD.

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