You Are Not Bound, But Free in Me

I Am the One Who has liberated you, says the LORD. The walls have tumbled down. The prison doors have been unlocked. The chains have fallen to the ground. The fetters have been broken. There is light in the doors that I have opened for you. The gates of the city will not be barred, and you are not a prisoner of fate, says the LORD.

Walk free, for you Are free, indeed, says the LORD. I have empowered you to be more than a conqueror. You are a warrior in My kingdom, not a wimp. I have brought you into My kingdom that is light, and righteous, and powerful, and eternal. You have the power to overcome anything and everything, for I have given you My Spirit, clothed you with My glory, clad you with My armor, given you My Sword, clothed you with My glory. I Am with you, now and forever, and you are not bound, but free in Me, says the LORD.

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