You Will Have Everything You Need - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am your builder and maker, says the LORD. Everything that I made, I said it is GOOD. My work is always good, and I never leave anything unfinished. I perfect it. I beautify it. I complete it. You are My workmanship, and I will not forsake the work of My hands, nor can I abandon you. I know what to do, how to do it, and My timing is perfect. I created everything, own everything, control everything and there is NOTHING that I cannot do, says the LORD.

I will finish the good work that I have begun in you, says the LORD. How can I leave anything out? I have meticulously designed you and ordained your purpose. I will direct your path, equip you unto every good work that I have assigned for your life, and enable you, strengthen you, and help you to fulfill it, and you will have everything you need to finish well, says the LORD.

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