Your Times and Seasons Are In My Hands - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Your Times and Seasons Are In My Hands

Excellence is how I perform, and I demand, says the LORD. Do you understand that I do all things well? ALL THINGS? Everything that I do is good, and I never have a do over, a makeover or need to start over. I never begin something without completing it. NEVER! I always have a perfect plan that will bring about the excellence that I require in all that I do. No one can do better, think greater thoughts, or execute the perfect works that I will manifest in the exact time that I have ordained, says the LORD.

Trust that your times and seasons are in My hands, says the LORD. You cannot make things happen to fit into your schedule and cause things to come together to bring about the results that you want without Me, says the LORD. When I said all things are possible to those who believe, I was not suggesting that you can do anything alone or apart from Me. But as you entrust your life to Me and enter into friendship and fellowship and partnership with Me, you will be in connection with the times and seasons and plans and purposes that I have set forth, and you will be at peace in the process, and have the power to succeed and do all things well, even as I strengthen you and empower you to do, says the LORD.

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