Called, Chosen, Equipped, Prepared, Empowered, Enabled - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Called, Chosen, Equipped, Prepared, Empowered, Enabled

Then enemy is trying to convince many of My people that it is a pruning time, when indeed the very opposite is true, says the Lord. It is harvesttime. It is not a time of setback and not a time to draw back. It is not a time to cut back. It is a time of expansion, a time where the branches will reach out, bud, blossom, bear fruit, and the fruit will come to maturity. This is not a time to mourn, but a time to rejoice, for you will reap a bountiful harvest for My kingdom, says the LORD.

Great will be the harvest, says the LORD. There will be astounding miracles among My believing ones. You will see My manifest glory, have abundant grace, and My power will be evident, prominent, far-reaching, indescribable, unstoppable. I will revive. I will restore. I will renew. I will empower. I will display My Mighty power, and no one will be able to explain it away. I will pour out miracles, signs and wonders and MY CHURCH will be glorious, powerful, productive, as the light of My glory in them will reach the very darkest corners of the earth. I will embolden My believing ones, and they will be armed, dangerous to the enemy, and do great feats for My kingdom, by My power, and for My glory. They will not turn back, break rank or fear. Arise, and go forth into the field of harvest that is ripe and ready for reaping, for you will sing songs of deliverance, and the songs of the reaper rather than the dirge of the depressed. Stand up, My people. Gear up! Put on the armor of light, and reap the harvest for My kingdom, as I have called, chosen, equipped, prepared, empowered, and enabled you to do, says the LORD.


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