Come Closer to Me - Prophetic Light

Come Closer to Me

Come closer to me, My child,  says the LORD. Come to Me and receive of My goodness and mercy in your heart and life. Come to Me and receive your healing and your deliverance. I will not harm you, but I will embrace you in My arms of Love. I will help you and comfort you on every side. I Am the Almighty God.  I have no boundaries. I have no religious walls. I have no limitations. I can do all things for you as you come to Me into My presence and trust Me with your life. I will lift you by My Love and grant you the desires of your heart. Come expecting good things, for I will receive you and welcome you to come close so that I can lavish My love upon you. I do all things well, and I will bless you.  Trust that I Am waiting for you in My presence to do you good and to bless you.  Come to Me now. Come in faith and believe that I do all things well, and it will be will with your soul, says the LORD.

Come empty and hungry and let me fill you to capacity and overflowing with My Spirit and new life, says the LORD. I will give you unspeakable joy for your sorrow, and fill the longing in your heart. I will not reject you, and Am drawing you to Myself. Come and receive from Me the living water of My Spirit that will give you new life and vitality in ME. Come and eat of the bread of life that will satisfy your soul and give you new strength in Me. Come and partake of the New wine of My Spirit that will give you joy and gladness and cause your heart to sing. Come eat and drink at My table in My presence, for all that I have, I will give to you, and I will refresh you in My presence, says the LORD.

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