Do Not Fret about the Future - Prophetic Light

Do Not Fret about the Future

Do not fret about the future, says the LORD. Fear is not an option. Trust in ME. Remember what I have already brought you through and how I have always provided for you in the past. You are in My hands today. Don’t you believe that I can and will take care of you tomorrow? For My love and care for you has not changed with the times and the seasons. When have I ever been subject to anything, I ask? When have I ever abandoned you? I have never forsaken you in the past and I will not forsake you now. I Am the GOD of all your yesterdays, today and forever. I cannot change and My love and care for you is unimpeachable, says the LORD.

Stop struggling and only believe, says the LORD. Believe that I Am for you and not against you. Believe that I love you, and My love covers everything that you are and all that you need. Believe that I Am with you always. Believe that I will always take care of you, and nothing about you ever gets past My attention. Trust in ME at all times, for what I began in you, I will perfect and finish. I have not passed you by! You are greatly beloved of Me, and you BELONG TO ME! I take care of MY OWN,  and I WILL ALWAYS provision you. What you need and desire is on the table that I furnish for you and I Am not impoverished. I have given you My best gifts as a child of destiny and royalty, and I will not withhold any good thing from you. Everything you desire has been fully paid for by My finished work on the cross and My shed blood. You need not fear, for I have, I Am and I will take care of you completely and wonderfully at all times, says the LORD.

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