Do Not Wallow in Depression - Prophetic Light

Do Not Wallow in Depression

Do not wallow in depression, says the Lord, for My joy is your strength. I do not want you to be cast down.  Lift up your head and keep it high, for I have Made you a beloved child.  I have great things in store for you.  You are very important to Me.  Do not look down but look up to Me.  I am smiling at you and approve of you.  The disapproval of others is not an authority.  I Love you and value you greatly.  You are like a pearl of great price to ME.  Do not devalue yourself, for I created you to be special. You are fearfully and wonderfully and meticulously made.  Think well of yourself, for I do.  I created you to be a peculiar pleasure and treasure onto ME.  I think good thoughts of you always, says the LORD.

Your sadness was not a download from Me, says the Lord, for there is no sadness in heaven with Me.  There is only radical joy.  Give the enemy back the gloomy feelings that came from Him and come with Me away from the stresses and demands and enjoy the good things that I have reserved for you in My presence. It is all good. You are meant for laughter and lightness and unspeakable joy, so Laugh and rejoice, for your joy in Me will never be extracted from you.  I will cause your heart to sing and your laughter will be contagious and change the atmosphere around you as I lift you by My love and make your heart glad in Me even in the face of challenging circumstances.  They will accuse you of drinking something intoxicating, but it will be the new wine of My Spirit that is making you radically joyful, says the LORD.

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