Forfeit your fears, says the LORD. For your circumstances should not interfere with your faith in Me and MY eternal, infallible Word. Trust in Me at all times, for I Am in control. I have never forsaken you in the past, and I will not do so now or ever. I Am with you to help you, comfort you, empower you, and supply all your need, as you lean on Me rather than your own understanding, and depend upon My constant care for you, says the LORD.
Look at the things that cannot change rather than times and seasons that always change, says the LORD. For stability comes from your confidence in ME. You cannot be tossed to-and-fro by the winds of adversity when you stand upon the firm foundation of My Word, and continue to do so. You need not place your faith in people, places and things that are always shifting and undependable. I will not fail, and I will perform My Word. Your safety is in your trust in Me, and the outcome will be good for you as you refuse to allow the things that are happening and changing around you to negatively affect you, and change who you are. You are My beloved child, and I will take care of you as you stay strong in your faith in Me at all times, says the LORD.