Great and Precious Promises - Prophetic Light

Great and Precious Promises

I have given you exceeding, great and precious promises, says the LORD.  They belong to you. Do not just claim these promises that are unimpeachable, but possess them.  What belongs to you IS YOURS, and you are not to just observe them from afar.  Do not look at the gifts that I have given you freely as unattainable.  My gifts and call are never taken from you.  Take what belongs to you and use the gifts that are yours.  They are just as unchangeable as I AM.  You have asked to be used of ME, but I ask you to be a users of what I have invested in you.  Move in the operation of these gifts that are yours.  Do not bury your talents or deem them as invalid. Fulfill your calling that I have given you, says the LORD.

You have asked Me what I want you to do, and you have waited on Me, says the LORD.  I Am leading you and ordering your NOW steps.   It is not a some day purpose and plan and destiny, but a NOW operation of what you are and have in ME.  You are where I have placed you to be.  Do not wait for opportunities ahead while wasting the ones that are there now.  Do not despise the days of small things. For as you are faithful where you are in the things that I desire you to do, I will entrust you with more.  Be patient in your calling, and know that I Am always leading you and your faithfulness now will be rewarded as you do all that you can for My kingdom right where you are.  I will cause you to grow and prosper as I prepare you for the place that I have prepared for you in it’s time as you trust that I will order every step of the way and provision everything that I desire you to fulfill for My kingdom, says the LORD.

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