I Have Empowered You to Overcome - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Have Empowered You to Overcome

Build yourself up in your Spirit so that you can deny your flesh, says the LORD. You will overcome the desires of the flesh when your spirit becomes dominate. The flesh is always weak. It is unrelenting in its desire to redirect you into a path that is unproductive, dissatisfying, unrewarding, and temporal. Feed your spirit on My Word, and stay focused on Me. Didn’t I tell you that if you are to be My disciple, you must deny yourself, and take up your cross and follow Me daily? Your flesh will scream to get your attention. I want you to become so filled with My Spirit and holy fire that your spirit roars back, says the LORD.

I have given you the power to overcome the flesh, the world and the evil one by the power of My Spirit, says the LORD. It is not automatic. Whatever you yield to will determine the direction you will go. It is important for you to come out of complacency and pursue the deeper things of My Spirit and My infallible Word so that you can stand against the things of the flesh. You are to change the atmosphere around you rather than be conformed to the culture. Be vigilant. Let your roots go deeper into My infallible Word, and press continually into My presence, and renew your Mind by meditation upon Me and My Word. For as you are filled with My Spirit and My Word, you will stand in the midst of every storm in life, and remain standing, untouched, unharmed, unchanged, says the Lord.

I have invested everything that you need into you, so that you will never fall, never fail, never compromise, and never even bend to the will of the flesh, says the LORD. Be strong in Me, and remain strong, as you feed on Me, and refuse to submit to that which is earthly, sensual, and self-satisfying for the moment. Let that which is above dictate what you will invest yourself into, for that is what will bring you into your destiny purpose, cause you to be fruitful, and that will never be extracted from you, says the LORD.

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