I Have Given You All Things

I have freely given to you all things, says the Lord.  I have accomplished for you what you could never accomplish for yourself.  I have paid the price for your salvation, redemption, healing, deliverance and given you unspeakable gifts. I have anointed you with My Spirit and invited you to be at home in My presence.  There is nothing that I have left out that you need or want.  It is your faith in My finished work on the cross that qualifies you to obtain every blessing that I have fully paid for, says the Lord. There is nothing good that I will ever withhold from you.  Entrust my life to Me and receive it. For My favor is unearned and unmerited.  It is My desire that you would receive all that I have accomplished for you, says the Lord.

I want you to be unbound, says the LORD.  I want you to walk in perfect harmony with me, untouched by the enemy.  Just trust that your fellowship and friendship with Me is valued BY ME. It is what I love and long for.  Come into My presence and enjoy sweet communion with Me, for I wait for you to enter into the secret place where I can lavish My love upon you.  I long to hear YOUR voice. I desire to give you good gifts and fulfill every need that you have. It is My desire to share My heart with you, and give you the things that you did not even ask Me for.  Come and receive My fullness, for I Am not restricting you from receiving all that you need in My presence, says the Lord.

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