I Will Give You Wisdom, Counsel and Understanding - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Give You Wisdom, Counsel and Understanding

Wisdom comes from Me, and I will download it into you as you ask Me for counsel and believe Me for it, says the LORD. I WANT YOU TO KNOW things, and I DESIRE to give you on spot directions that will be precise and perfect for every situation that you are confronted with. I Am with you constantly, and not there to observe and sympathize with you. I AM there as your COUNSE, for I have the solutions that you need, as you call upon Me. I Will answer you, says the LORD.

I Am always on spot and on time, says the LORD. You are never alone or without My help. My understanding is infinite, and the future is KNOWN to Me. I can prepare you, equip you, and lead and guide you always, as you shift your dependency upon Me and trust in My care for you. I want you to fine tune My still, small voice within you, and as you do and you become MORE SENSITIVE and aware of My presence and My VOICE, you will be confident in following the leading of MY SPIRIT. You will become aware of My promptings, my warnings, My directions. You can learn to lean on Me, and wait for Me rather than rushing ahead of Me. The more time you spend in My presence the greater you will know My precise will and be able to discern the way that you should go, for My wisdom, counsel and understanding is available for you, and I want you to have this and recognize it, says the LORD.

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