I Will Defend and Preserve You - Prophetic Light

I Will Defend and Preserve You

I Am your defense, so you do not have to defend yourself, says the LORD. I will arise and cause your enemies to be scattered and as they form alliances to overwhelm you I will defeat them and scatter them so that one is not left with another. None of your enemies will prosper in the things that they devise against you, for I AM with you to defend and preserve you, that My purposes for your life and destiny will be fully fulfilled, says the LORD.

I call for a bounty of blessings upon blessings upon blessings for you, says the LORD. It is My command. It is My power that will cause it. I will restore the wasted years, call forth the many years of failed harvests and you will eat of the fat of the land. I will create the new and the old will not be needed for the new. My blessings will overtake you and you barns will be full of corn and the oil will flow. You will prosper in what I send you forth to do, for the harvest will be great. Do not postpone your preparation, or put it off for a more convenient time because it does not seem productive, for I Am preparing you for the place that you will go and positioning you to reap a bountiful harvest. You will not be overlooked, but join the songs of the reapers as they break out in new songs of great joy and thanksgiving because of the great ingathering of the harvest, says the LORD.

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