My Blessings Enrich and Enhance You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Blessings Enrich and Enhance You

The blessings that I give you will only enrich you, enhance you, and not burden and stress you, says the Lord. They will not have attached sorrow. Gifts that come from Me are PERFECT and need not be confused with that which owns you rather than you owning them. Everything I give you will never be taken away from you, and never means NEVER! If it is fleeting and sensual, it was not from ME. I daily load you with benefits and they ARE BENEFICIAL, says the LORD.

I will give you unspeakable gifts that cannot be given by anyone else. Sudden blessings come from Me. I Am the source of all good things, and I will also furnish you unto every good work that I have called and chosen you to do. You will only have good gifts for the good Works that will glorify Me. None will be flawed or have any missing elements. For perfect is COMPLETE, without error, without lack, and you will have more than enough to complete every task, every assignment, everything that I have ordained for you, on time, and I will be with you as well as equipping you, to give you GOOD success that brings honor and glory to My great Name, says the LORD.

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