I will never disappoint you, says the LORD. For the fullness of the desires of your heart are MINE to fulfill. I will not give you a half of a cup of blessing, but I am El Shaddai, the GOD that is more than enough. I will not only fill your cup, but I will cause you to overflow with My blessings. I will give you more than you could ask for. I will give you more than you can contain. I will give you far more than you can imagine, for I love to do the excessive. It is My desire to do the miraculous. If you could dream it and imagine it and expect it then it is within the natural. I Am the GOD of the supernatural. I AM not limited to the boundaries of man or the thoughts of man or the aspirations and desires of mere man. For I will exceed all that is known and thought of, for I AM GOD. I desire to put myself on display so that you will know that it is MY work that cannot be accomplished by mere human resources, says the LORD.
I will do a new thing, says the LORD. Look, when I say new, I mean NEW! I will do what has not been done before so that you will see that there are no restraints in My power. I will not be bound to religious expectations or formulas, creeds or rituals. I will not conform to the will of man, nor will I be contained in their walls. My power exceeds all that has been known and experienced and I do not fit in the box. I will do great and mighty things that will astound you and I will get the glory. Come with great expectations in ME and watch Me awe you with the signs and wonders that I will do in your midst. My glory will be seen and I will display My power as never before for the honor of MY great Name. For I am the unlimited ONE and I will be seen and heard in the earth that I have created for My glory, say the LORD.