Praise Your Way to Victory

Praise your way to victory, says the LORD, for the battle is not yours, but mine.  Let praises fill the atmosphere around you. It will penetrate the battleground and confuse the enemy.  Instead of fear and anguish, begin to sing unto me.  Let your voice be heard in WORSHIP of ME . I inhabit your praises and the enemy will not be able to stand the sound of your voice. The powers of darkness cannot tolerate MY resounding voice, and will not be able to withstand your praise and worship of ME.  Give Me glory that is due My name.  For I will do great and mighty things in the midst of you. I will show Myself to be strong in your midst and on your behalf.  Watch as the enemy screams and runs in terror when I show up and bare My holy arm, says the LORD.

I will be a terror to those who terrorize you, says the LORD.  I AM the almighty, and I will never be intimidated or threatened. I will not be silenced, and I cannot be defeated.  Let your praise be heard, and worship Me from the heart.  For I will invade the enemy camp with a mighty force of My Spirit and enforce My kingdom as you worship Me and honor Me and praise Me.  Your praise will break the bondage of the enemy, loose the shackles, shake the prison doors and cause you to walk free.  Give Me glory that is due My great Name and watch ME come as the KING OF GLORY.  Yes, lift up your voice in songs of worship and the darkness will become light, the sorrow will turn to joy, the heavens will be open and I will come with healing in My wings.  Worship Me and I will turn things around for you and give you victory upon victory and cause your fiercest enemies to be utterly defeated, says the LORD.

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