Quality Control Begins with Surrender and Submission - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Quality Control Begins with Surrender and Submission


A quality life is quality controlled, says the LORD.  I will give you a quality life as you surrender it to Me and submit to My perfect will and plan for your life.  My higher thoughts and ways and plans and visions for you are SO MUCH better than yours.  You thought yours were good?  Tap into mine!  I will not give you a bad life, a bad deal, a bad time!  I want the best for My beloved children, and I DO KNOW what that looks like, feels like and will be like, says the LORD.

Can you entrust your entire life to Me?  Give Me the controls, as you relinquish them, says the LORD.  You will never be disappointed or dissatisfied with the results of full surrender. You will only ask yourself what took you so long to submit, when it was SO GOOD!  I will give you brass for wood, silver for brass, gold for silver, and more than enough!  For what I give you in exchange far exceeds your expectations.  You cannot even imagine My plans until you give up yours!  I have so much for you, and you will be positioned, provisioned, empowered and employed in the things that are eternal, and can never be extracted from you. Your purpose exceeds your imagination, and if you will totally surrender, you will never be dissatisfied, but will be fat and full of My blessings upon blessings, and a vessel of honor that I will use for My glory, says the LORD.




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