I have raised you up, out the pit of despair and despondency, says the LORD. You are NOT in bondage and darkness, and undefeated is not something that you will have, but what you are in ME, regardless of the sudden storms you face in life. You will always walk in HIGH PLACES with Me as you place your confidence in Me and My infallible presence and power in your life. You cannot fail, falter, or be trampled under the foot of the enemy, but you will be ON TOP, and tread on the evil one, says the LORD.
You will always be triumphant in Me, says the LORD. You will never be defeated. I have empowered you to overcome, always, for you have been fully equipped as a mighty warrior with superior weapons that are infallible. Nothing can overtake you, overwhelm you, defeat you, or imprison you, for I have already liberated you and given you a position of authority over the dark one. As you stand up, gear up, and face the enemy, you will win every battle and war. You are already the undefeated champion in ME, and you cannot be overthrown, as I Am with you to insure your certain, continual victory, says the LORD.