Wait On the Lord - Prophetic Light

Wait On the Lord

Wait on Me, and I will renew your strength, says the LORD. Wait! Trust in Me. I have never failed you yet, and will not. I Am your help and I Am your abiding peace. You will never be alone in battle, for I have come along side to help. I will under gird you and undertake for you. You have nothing to fear, because nothing can defeat you with Me on your side. I Am faithful to you. My compassion for you is renewable daily. I always have you in My heart and My thoughts for you are only good always. My plans for you are good, and I will increase you and not decrease you. I will further you and expand you and bring you into a large place in Me, says the LORD.

It is your time to rest in Me in complete confidence that I have you in My hands and you do not have to weary yourself, says the LORD.  I Am on task to do the work and to finish it. Come and be yoked with Me, for it is easy and My burden is light. I will lead you quietly along and gently guide you continually. You can just look at the scenery as I carry the load and do all of the leading. Just follow Me. Trust in Me, for I have you, I know the way, and I will safely and assuredly bring you into your fullness in ME, and you will rejoice and be glad, says the LORD,

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