Your Destiny Purpose - Prophetic Light
God will Fulfill

Your Destiny Purpose

My presence goes before you to lead you into your personal promised land, says the LORD. It is not behind you, but ahead of you.  Don’t look back at the failed attempts that you have experienced.  Look ahead to where I am leading you.  Your life is not going to be defined by your past, and the things of the past will NOT dictate where you will go or who you are or who I Am creating you to be.  You are a work in progress. You are a work in process.  You are MY workmanship.  I AM YOUR beginning and your end.  I Am the One Who qualifies you.  I Am the ONE who has chosen you.  You did not choose Me.  I have your destiny in My hands, and I will see to it that you fulfill every purpose that I have prescribed for your life, and nothing will be left undone, says the LORD.

Nothing about your life escapes My attention, says the LORD.  I Am always on point and on time. Therefore I will keep you in My positional and provisional hands at all times.  I control the fulfillment of every WORD that I have spoken about you, for I cannot lie.  I cannot fail.  I cannot change My mind and purpose and plan.  As I Am changeless, so all that I have prescribed for your life remains the SAME.  I Know the end from the beginning and I know everything in between.  Nothing takes Me by surprise.  I  know the steps that you take and I Am able to secure you and bring you into the safety of your destiny purpose, unscathed and on time, says the LORD.

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