Be As I Am

Be as I Am, says the Lord. Follow Me. Let My Spirit overwhelm you and overtake you. Lose your identity in Me. Let Me absorb you in Me. Let Me cover you and flow out of you. For I want to be seen and heard as you become on earth as I Am in heaven. I desire to give you a new identity in Me. I want you to see through My eyes and be a mouthpiece as you hear what I Am speaking and publish My Word. Do not mix your words with Mine. Lose your own opinion and shake yourself free of the old mind-sets that have boxed you in! Abandon yourself to Me and forsake the formulas and religious rhetoric of man and let My Spirit invade you, envelop you, cover you and direct you, says the Lord.

Come low and dig deeply into the things of My Spirit, says the Lord. I will take you higher in proportion to the level of your depth in Me. The greater your humility, the higher you will soar. The more you surrender and submit to Me, the more I will flow out of you and be seen and heard and Work My Works through you. It is all about My Spirit in You! It is all about Me.  As I Am lifted up in you and My name is truly exalted, I will escalate you to a higher level in ME. I must increase and you must decrease for there to be an increase of the signs and wonders and mighty Works that I will do through you on the earth. Hide yourself in Me and become one with Me. For as the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are inseparable in Word and work and will, I want you to be inseparable in Me. I want you to be in total agreement with Me so that What I do, you will do and you will become as I Am, and I will be glorified in you and show forth My mighty works through you, says the Lord.

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