Covenant and Mercy - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Covenant and Mercy

Deut 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

I was doing my daily walk in the early evening, shortly after a thunderstorm.  The skies seemed clear, and the sun was still up. On my way back home, I looked up and saw a beautiful rainbow.  Then I saw the second rainbow that was lighter above it.  Every time I see a rainbow, I know it is a sign of a promise that God will fulfill in my own life and destiny.  Since it was a double rainbow, I believe He will hasten His Word to perform it.

That assurance that we have when we see a rainbow links us to the first sign of His covenant with Noah and all eight persons who emerged from the ark after the storm and flood that they had been spared from.  God would put a bow in the sky to remind Himself that Had made this covenant promise to them and all future generations that he would never destroy the world with a flood again.

He also pronounced a blessing on them and told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.  Even though Noah cursed Canaan, his own son Ham’s son, who was the father of the Canaanites, they were very fruitful in the Land. It was a land filled with milk and honey.  We even talk about Canaan’s happy land, referring to heaven.  They were dispossessed from the land only because of generations of sinfulness and idolatry.  But the land was still blessed by God.

Our blessings and fruitfulness are not only pronounced by God, who will fulfill covenant and mercy for us, but conditional upon us loving Him and keeping His commandments.  As we have received the promises of God through faith in his infallible Word, we will have that assurance that he will fulfill everyone of them as we love and obey Him.  We can trust that He will make us fruitful and multiply us as well.

What is so spectacular about a rainbow is the fact that Noah and his family, who saw the first rainbow, and heard the covenant, have been gone for generations.  But God is still reminding Himself of His Word, His promise and His covenant with them generations later.

What God has promised you will also be fulfilled.  Perhaps you are the only one who heard Him speaking, promising, and making a covenant with you and perhaps your household.  But God will honor His Word, and will not break covenant with you.  His mercy endures forever for the righteous.

Make no mistake, God will not forget His promises, and He alone will bring them to pass as you entrust Him with Your life, believe His Word, love Him and keep His commandments. God is a covanant God, and He will watch over His Word to perform it precisely for you as you simply trust Him and His infallible Word. You do not need to know how He will do it, but with every rainbow you see, it is a reminder that He not only can, but He will.

Luke 1:45: And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.  There will be a performance of the Word of God that he has given you, as you believe.  Hold fast to your faith and confidence in Him and His infallible Word, for you will receive from God everything that you will believe Him for.

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