Do Not Fear - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Do Not Fear

Do not fear, says the Lord. Fear is not of Me. It is tormenting, and I never came to torment you. I never came to cause you to be terrorized. I never caused you to tremble in fear of the unknown future. It is known to Me. When will you trust that I Am in control? I control everything! I Am the Sovereign! Nothing is beyond Me. Governments are not above Me. Kings and Kingdoms are not above My power. I Am God Almighty, and I Am King of Kings and Lord of Lords, now and evermore! I Am the Almighty, now! The heavens and the earth are Mine, and I Am not only the Creator of all, but I have not abandoned My works. I have created all things for My glory and purpose, and I will not abandon you. Trust in Me at all times. Do you want to rest in Me or do you prefer to wrestle with the things that you cannot control or fix or change? I want you to trust that I Am with you always, and I will provide for you and keep you in the shelter of My arms, says the Lord.

Place your life in My hands, for I have given you the right to choose, says the Lord. I have given you all things pertaining to life, but you must receive what I have already prepared for you. Nothing is beyond My ability, and you are never out of My sight. You are never ignored or overlooked. I hear your prayers. I bottle your tears. I Am with you always in a proactive way. I Am your source at all times. I can take nothing and make something out of it. I will bless what exists and cause the increase. I will multiply and satisfy, even as I took the tiny loaves and fishes and blessed them, broke them, multiplied them, and distributed them and fed the multitude. There was a surplus. I Am EL Shaddai, a God that is big enough, more than enough, and powerful enough to do it again and again and again. Place what you have in My hands. Place yourself in My hands. For I will bless you, and I will break you, and I will distribute you, and you will reach many for My kingdom and glory as you fully abandon yourself to Me and let Me use you for My Glory! There is more than enough of you to reach far and wide as you are fully in My hands and yielded completely to Me so that I can use you to feed My sheep and lambs continually without fail or shortage, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. You can also donate through Zelle, using our email address, [email protected]. Thank you and May God richly bless you.

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