Lift Up The Hands

Lift Up the Hands That Hang Down

Lift up those hands that hang down, says the Lord. I Am not the author of depression.  I Am not the giver of defeat!  I Am the creator of good things, and I Am your God!  Even as My servant Moses stood upon the mountain of God and raised up His arms toward Me, the children of Israel prevailed in battle.  But when He became weary, and his hands slumped to his side, the enemy had the advantage.  Do not become weary and do not give place to the enemy!  It is his negative thoughts that discourage you.  I did not voice them!  My voice is that of faith and undeniable victory.  I Am not a loser, and you cannot be either, because I Am with you to secure you continually.  Lift up those weary hands toward Me and proclaim that I Am your infallible God! Don’t be weak in the knees. Stand up, straight and tall, and have confidence in Me, says the LORD.

I will inhabit your praise, and when I inhabit your praise, I inhabit your life and situations, says the Lord.  I will cause certain, unimpeachable victory upon victory.  Yes, lift up your heavy hands in surrender to My Lordship of your life, for when you do, I will defend you.  I will save you. I will protect you.  I will provide for you!  I will preserve you!  Acknowledge Me as your God that is on your side, for the enemy doesn’t have a chance.  I Am the undefeated One!  Worship Me as the Almighty, all-knowing God in the midst of you. Entrust your life and destiny to Me.  Will you believe when you cannot see?  I Am with you always to give you My unspeakable joy as you surrender yourself to Me in praise and worship.  I will cause your heart to sing as you enter into My presence where there is fullness of joy, unspeakable joy and believe that I Am the uncontested victor and have made you a mighty conqueror and overcomer in Me, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 4 0 4 0 3 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 3 3 5 2 5, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through paypal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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