My Hand Will Reach, Help, Rescue and Save You

My strong hand will reach you, help you, rescue and save you, says the LORD.   I Am all-powerful, all-wise, ever-present, all-knowing, all-seeing, and all reaching.  You are not out of My control or My ability to rescue you and those you love from the forces of the enemy that are attacking and endeavoring to assault you.  The enemy is a liar and he is not in control.  I Am. My hand is able to reach you in the lowest pit of despondency.  I Am able to reach way down for you in the darkest and deepest despair.  My hand is not too short.  I Am able to not only touch you, but grasp ahold of you and secure you when you are unsure.  I Am able to break through the darkness and penetrate your environs with My light.  I Am able to strengthen you in your weakest moments.  I Am on task and on time and on your side.  You are never out of My sight or My reach. Just trust in Me, for I will always keep you safe, says the Lord.

Look up.  See Me!  See that I cannot and will not fail you, says the LORD.  I cannot and will not forsake you.  I cannot and will not abandon you to your own limited resources.  I will help you.  There is never a greater helping hand than My infallible and powerful hand.  My hands that created you are the same hands that provide for you.  My hands that provide for you are the hands that keep you from falling.  They are the hands that embrace you. They are the hands that are never able to come up short of protecting, saving and helping you.  Do not look at the impossibilities and do not focus on the tasks that are before you that seem too hard for you. Look to Me.  I have never failed to get you through the darkest nights in the past.  I have never failed to provide for you in the most uncertain times.  I Am the same now and forever, and this too shall pass.  Your present test will turn around into be a testimony of My grace and love and power and presence that brought you through.  What will remain is you and all that pertains to you, unscathed, untouched, unharmed, and undefeated.  You will stand in Me, and I will not allow you to fail or fall, for My hand is big enough and strong enough to keep you at all times, and I will complete the good work that I have begun in you, and give you certain victory now and ever in Me as you lean upon Me rather than your own understanding.   As you acknowledge Me in all your ways, I will not only direct your path, but I will empower you to defeat the wicked one and step on his neck and push him back as you even encroach his territory and put up the flag of My kingdom and pronounce that you are taking this territory for Me, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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