Promotion and prosperity come from Me, and it comes in many facets in your life, says the Lord. I Am the One that creates opportunities for you. I Am the door opener and closer. I will open the right doors for you to walk through and I will also close doors that I have not authored. The doors I open are not able to become closed doors regardless of the efforts of the enemy against you. He will endeavor to distract you and stop you from entering into that which I have prepared for you, but he cannot deter you. I Am with you to help you reach your desired end and keep the enemy from touching you or destroying your confidence in Me. I Am on task to accomplish in and through you My prescribed will for your life. Be patient. You are not in control. I have control of everything pertaining to you including the times and seasons of you life and I know the perfect pace and the perfect place and the perfect thing that you are to prosper in. Be patient and wait on Me to lead and guide you over the threshold of new experience. When I move, you move. When I stand still, you stand still. It is all about waiting on Me and trusting Me with every step of the way and depending upon My provisioning you, says the Lord
I will also close doors that the enemy endeavors to lure you through, says the Lord. The slammed doors in your face are not a result of My denial but of My grace and favor upon your life. Do not lament over the closed doors, but be of good cheer. I Am protecting you from the enemy’s plans that I foil. I know the path that you are to take and it is all good. My goodness and mercy will never be withheld from you. Trust My love and My involvement in your life, and as you allow Me to lead, and you purpose to follow, you will learn to rejoice in the pace. You will rejoice in My intervention. You will trust that I will help you and protect you. Since you do not know what lies behind the doors, and I do, then rejoice that I Am on task to secure your future and cause your walk in Me to be void of stumbling. My plan for you is promotion and prosperity as I lead you one step at a time into territory that you have not yet known, but what I have prepared ahead of time for you, and it will cause your heart to rejoice as you receive provision far beyond your imagination. Great grace is being poured out upon you in this season, as I map out your life and powerfully provision every step of the way as you walk in complete obedience, surrender and dependency upon Me, says the Lord.
This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.