Let Your Mind Be at Ease - Prophetic Light

Let Your Mind Be at Ease

Let your mind be at ease, says the Lord.  You have worried long enough over the situations that seem out of control in your life and of those you love. I have heard your prayers.  I see the need!  I am aware of your weariness.  Just rest in Me.  You cannot fix the problems, but I can.  You are not the provider.  I Am.  Although I have called you to bear the burdens of others, I was not suggesting that you do this alone.  My easy yoke and light burden awaits you in My presence, says the Lord.

Even as I am touched by the very feeling of your infirmities, you are feeling the pain of others as well as your own, says the LORD. I do not want you to be weighed down with any concerns.  I Am the burden bearer as you learn to depend completely upon me for yourself and those that you love.  I love them more.  I love you!  Yes, I have you all in the palm of My hands, and I Am on task today and always.  Your selfless love touches My very heart.  I Am pleased with your selflessness.  But do not fret.  I will answer.  I will!   I have sustained you and those you love.  I have never failed you.  I will not fail you now or ever!  So shift these heavy burdens upon Me and know that I care for you and will give you the breakthrough you are longing for.  Just settle it in your mind today that I Am the answer to all your concerns that are big and small, and I desire your heart to be as carefree as a playful child as you trust Me to handle all your problems and meet all your needs, says the Lord.

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