Receive Your Miracle - Prophetic Light
Everything is Possible

Receive Your Miracle

Receive your miracle by faith and trust in Me, says the Lord.  I Am a God of miracles, now.  I perform them all the time!  Miracles are not a sign of the times nor are they a mere  historical event.  I Am the same yesterday, today and forever.  Only believe and trust in Me.  Don’t bring Me down to your level of ability.  I created the universe and everything that exists.  I created you!  There is nothing too hard for Me.  Nothing is impossible for them that believe.  Grasp ahold of My Word and believe it in your heart and speak it with your mouth and expect it to happen for you.  It is just that simple.  I want your faith in Me to be unwavering.  Do not trust in what you see and hear and feel.  Trust in the unseen.  Trust in what you cannot touch or taste or experience in the natural. If you can, then you are not in need of My miracle power. I do what is impossible with man!  I do what no other power can do!  Miracles do not happen by accident.  Use your faith that I have given you and trust in Me!  I Am unlimited.  My Word alone creates!  I sent My Word to heal, and I will heal you.  Only believe, says the LORD.

Your need is not My need. I have no needs, says the Lord. Your problem is not My problem!  I have no problems. Your impossibilities are not My impossibilities, because there is nothing impossible with Me!  So do not limit Me and bring Me down to your human level.  Ascend to My level in simple, child-like, dependent faith and see what I will do for you.  Expect your miracle, for I will give you the desire of your heart; I will grant your requests; I will intervene on your behalf!  You cannot earn your miracle.  It does not depend upon your goodness, but your faith in My goodness.   Believe to receive and hold fast to your confession of faith in Me and do not give up!  The time of My favor for you is now.  Embrace your miracle by steadfast faith and trust in Me, and you will see it manifest itself in your life and in the lives of those you entrust to Me, says the Lord.

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