I Will Answer You - Prophetic Light
God Answers Prayer

I Will Answer You

Call upon Me in your day of trouble and I will answer you, says the Lord.  Troubled on every side is only My call to deliver.  I will hear the cry of your heart every time.  Pray to Me.  Call to Me!  Look to Me for the answers to all your troubles.  I did not bring these difficulties into your life.  No, I Am not the author of them.  The enemy tells you that the problems you face are the result of your wrong doing and you are reaping the wild oats that you have sown. Not so.  I have no record of any sin that you have asked Me to forgive.  My blood has not only cleansed you from ALL unrighteousness, but I have called YOU righteous.  When the righteous cry, I will answer.  I do not look for opportunity to punish you.  It is MY desire to bless you.  Didn’t I tell you that I add NO SORROW to My blessings that make you rich?  NO sorrow is from Me, because I came to deliver you from what causes you grief.  I came to turn your sorrow into joy!  There is no sorrow in heaven.  There is no trouble in heaven.  There are no tears in heaven.  I have none to give.  I have come to bring you out of trouble and cause you to succeed.  I Am the One called alongside to help.  I will help you!  I will uphold you!  I will keep you from falling.  I will defend you, deliver you, heal you and preserve you, says the Lord.

I will answer you with My outstretched arms, says the LORD.  I will stretch forth My bare arm against the enemy.  He is NO MATCH for Me, and I declare you undefeated!  I will not have you troubled and vexed by the enemy.  I hear the smallest sigh from your heart. I Am watching over you.  I am ready to deliver you!   My promises to you are unimpeachable, and I will perform My written and spoken Word concerning you as you put your trust in Me and receive the fullness of My protecting, providing and keeping power.  I will extend My comforting arms to you that will embrace you, hold you up, and secure you all the time.  My ears are open to your cry and attuned to your voice and I will quickly answer you and bring you to a place of safety in Me, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “GOODS and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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