You Are Not Too Difficult - Prophetic Light Prophecies

You Are Not Too Difficult

There is nothing that I cannot do, and nothing that is complicated or difficult for Me, says the Lord. You are not too difficult, and I know all about your need. I know everything that pertains to you. I created you, and I Am not distant from you. I Am the ever present help for you in times of trouble, even trouble that is on every side. Your trouble is not troubling to Me. I will help you and uphold you and be your security and daily strength as you shift your burdens on Me. I want you to be care-free and lighthearted. I want you unburdened and stress-free. This is possible for you as you entrust every part of your care to me, not just what you cannot handle. Let me carry all of you. Let Me carry those you love. Entrust everything and everyone to Me, for what is too much for you is nothing to Me. Unburden yourself now and stop saying, “What if.” For your future and your care is in My hands, says the Lord.

I have given you this day that I have made for you to rejoice in, not be burdened with, says the Lord. For I did not give you life so that you will have time to cry, time to fret, time to worry, time to be stressed, time to be overwhelmed, time to despair. For your times are in My hands that created time, created your times and seasons, and created this day that you have been given, to rejoice and be glad in it. Take this day as a gift of My grace and favor, and be blessed as you give Me the load that you have been carrying, and come into My presence to find a new refreshing, a greater peace that will invade you, and a release from the cares of this life. Shake off these shackles and refuse to think bad thoughts. Know that what I do is always good for you, and I will take care of you, provide for you, Shepherd you, comfort you on every side, and give you ample strength and vitality, as you give Me every care, and let Me fully care for you and all that pertains to you, says the Lord.

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