Divided Darkness from Light - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Divided Darkness from Light

I divided darkness from light, and I have taken you out of darkness and brought you into My kingdom of Light, says the Lord. I have separated death from life and given you abundant life. I have raised you up from dead works to be alive and do good works for My kingdom. There is a dividing line, and I have set it in place and separated you onto Myself. I have severed you from defeat and given you certain victory in Me. I have placed you onto the path of righteousness and cleansed you from all unrighteousness by My own shed blood for you. Your faith in Me has made you whole, says the Lord.

Darkness, defeat, disease, death, and destruction are not of My kingdom or My purpose for you, says the Lord. The kingdom of darkness does not have authority over you. It is not your place of abode. Sorrow and depression is not part of My kingdom. I have delivered you out of it, given you exceeding, great joy for your sorrow and filled your mouth with good things. As My kingdom of Light collides with the kingdom of darkness, I have empowered you to push back the enemy and expel the darkness that is around you by My light in you. You will expand My government and kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and proclaim liberty to those who are bound and open the prison doors to those held in captivity. You will proclaim My name and do great feats for Me, and I will be glorified in you, My remnant, My called out ones, says the Lord.

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