Forget the Past - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Forget the Past

Forget the past, says the Lord. You have sought for My righteousness and found it in Me. I have eradicated your past sins and washed you and cleansed you by My blood. Stop looking back, for I Am not reminding you of what I have already removed from you. You need to forget what I have forgotten and know that it is not recorded in My books. I have blotted out all of your transgressions and the sins of your past were gone the moment you confessed them to Me and received My forgiveness and cleansing. You are washed. You are clean. You are free. Do not listen to the accuser as he endeavors to remind you of the past. Press forward into the liberty that I have given you, says the Lord.

Condemnation and rejection are not of Me, says the Lord, so do not accept it. Entertain the joy that I have given you as I created a clean and right spirit in you. You are not bound, but you are free. I have given you My righteousness that I purchased for you by My finished work on the cross and My shed blood for you. It is finished, and complete, and your faith in Me and what I have accomplished for you has made you whole. Walk in it, and be assured that the Work I have done for you and in you and will do through you is a perfect and complete work. For it is by My Spirit, and you will know the power of My Love and My unlimited presence in your life as you move forward in Me and never look back, says the Lord.

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