God Is In Control of Your Destiny - Prophetic Light

God Is In Control of Your Destiny

I Am not your adviser, but your counselor, says the Lord.  I do not make suggestions for you to consider, but I order your steps.  My directions are not laced with stumbling blocks, and I do not create a maze for you to try to work through.  You do not have to guess, and it is not hit and miss when it comes to My plan and purpose for your life. I do not delay things or put up detour signs for you to follow.  It is a bright path that I have ordained for you to follow, and not an obstacle course.  I have made it a straight path so that you cannot get confused or turned around, and I will never cause you to back track, says the Lord.

Your destiny is in front of you, and not behind, says the Lord.  I will not have you repeat the same things over and over again until you get it right.  For what was is not, and your history will not define you, confine you or become your dwelling place.  Move forward into the now and the near and the new. For the best is yet to come, and you are not stuck.  Shake yourself loose from the negative mindsets of defeat and darkness and walk in My light.  For your hope in Me is never empty, your future is secure, and your purpose in Me is sealed.  I have good things ahead for you, and the past is dead.  Look up!  Look forward, and Look beyond.  For there is a vast field of harvest ahead that cannot compare with your past, and your labors in Me will be rewarded, says the Lord.

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