I Will Heal Your Broken Heart - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Heal Your Broken Heart

I Am touched by the very feeling of your infirmities, says the Lord. I see your pain. I know your sorrow. I understand your feelings. I feel your grief. I will walk with you through every moment and under gird you. I will hold you by My nail scarred hand and keep you from falling. I will undertake for you. I did not give you sorrow of heart, and I Am not the author of your pain. I Am your healer and your helper, says the Lord.

I will heal your broken heart and fractured life, says the Lord. I Am your comforter and your consolation. I will not abandon or reject you or despise you. I have poured My Spirit into you and will fight for you. You are special to Me and greatly beloved of Me. Put on the garment of praise that I now give you and strip off the depression. I will bring you through your present afflictions and heal your wounds. I will restore your soul and give you new life and vitality in Me. Abandon the abuse and misuse of others who have caused you grief, and receive My full acceptance and love for you that is unimpeachable. Joy in Me, for you will not drown in sorrow, but overcome by My Spirit in you, says the Lord.

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