I Will Restore You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Restore You

I will restore you, says the Lord. For I Am your Great Shepherd. I will restore that which has been violently taken away from you. I will restore health onto you. I will restore your strength and vitality. I will restore, restore, restore! For the failed harvests will be restored. The wasted years will be restored. I will do in five years what could not be accomplished in decades. I will do in days what could not have been done in many weeks. I will do in months what could not be done in years! I will redeem the time; I will restore, says the Lord.

I will restore comforts to you, for I Am the God of all comfort, and I Am your comforter, says the Lord. I will bring you into newness of life and refresh you by My Spirit. My Words shall Not fall to the ground, but I will accomplish them speedily. I will perform them, for My Work and My will and My word are the same. They agree and they will never be separated. My word for you is restoration. I will restore you and give you a new place in Me of authority and power. My power will overwhelm you, and you will see My goodness and mercy in your life, as you arise in newness of life in Me, says the Lord.

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