Miracle Healing of Leg Injury - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Miracle Healing of Leg Injury

This Baptist pastor invited us to his church because He heard of the miracles and healing that was taking place in the meetings in other venues. He not only received his miraculous healing of his leg, but He was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, as did his entire congregation. They were also instantly healed in this meeting. Wherever we went in Kenya, to churches, open air meetings, on the street, house to house, in businesses, Schools and colleges, God poured out His Holy Spirit, miracles, deliverance and His healing power. Many received Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. The missions are very costly, and I cannot do this alone. I did not go on a tour of the country, was not on a Safari, did not stay in comfortable places. We had no running water. Many places had just ground toilets outside that were filthy and bug infested. The travel was treacherous. I washed my clothes in a small plastic bin and hung them out to dry on a line or fence. I ate as little as possible and lost weight. I wasn’t there to tour the country or vacation. I was there to reach the lost, bring deliverance and healing, and for people to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Everything that the Lord sent me there to do was fulfilled. God poured out His Holy Spirit and fire and miracles and healing everywhere I went. We give God the glory, Who does all things well.

For those who invested in this mission trip and in the ministry of Prophetic Light International, I thank you. God thanks you. Angels applaud you. All of heaven rejoices at the salvation and deliverance of souls and the healing and miracles that were performed for all the people we are able to reach by your help. Your reward is great, and you will have a share in the harvest of souls that is not just for time, but eternity.

I need your continual prayers and financial help to reach the lost and fulfill the call of God to the nations through Prophetic Light International. I cannot do it without your help. No one can do this alone. Thank you again for being an essential part of this ministry, and May God richly bless you and give you more than enough as you partner with us to expand the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. .

To donate to our ministry, if you live in the States, please consider sending your donations to [email protected] through Zelle, that does not charge fees. We also have a donation button through pay pal on our website, propheticlight.org. Also you can send donations to: Prophetic Light International, 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525. All funds are used exclusively for ministry. Thank you and God bless you.  Prophet June Sheltrown

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