Nothing Is Too Hard for Me

Is what you are going through too hard for you? Nothing is too hard for Me, says the Lord. As you walk in Me, walk in My light, walk in My Spirit, walk in My strength, walk in My love, walk in My grace, walk in My faith, you will not become weary. You will not be overwhelmed. You will go from faith to faith and not fear to fear. You will go from strength to strength, and not weakness to weakness. You will go from victory to victory and not defeat to more defeat. You will go from grace to glory. You will see certain victory every time. It is not too hard for you, for I Am with you always. I will give you good success. It is not a pipe dream or an illusion or a fairy tale or a mirage that I give you, but it is My truth that endures forever, says the Lord.

You can stand upon Me and My unfailing Word that is a sure foundation for you, says the Lord. The storms will come and they will surely go. The winds of adversity will rise up from the North, the south, the east, and the west, but what is that to you? The floods of the enemy will rise up, and beat against you, but they will not prevail. You will stand. You will withstand the storms. You will endure the floods. You will not be moved. For your faith in Me and My Word will not only work for you, but your household will be saved. For I honor My Word, as I said that as you believe in Me, you and your household will be saved, secure, and safe in Me, as you stand still and see My salvation, says the Lord.

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