Tranquility and Peace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will cancel the diabolical assignments of the enemy against you, and bring destruction to the destroyer, says the Lord. I will interfere with interference, and interrupt the things that are endeavoring to distract you and impede your progress in Me. I will laugh at the enemy that is mocking you. I will disappoint the disappointment, and defeat the defeat. I will superintend, and I will govern your life, for I Am your Lord. I Am in control. I will set things in order and align things as I make the crooked straight and fill up the void and empty places and cause your dessert places to bloom as I rain upon them and soak the barren land with My Spirit of life, says the Lord.

Worry must flee as I pour out My peace into you, says the Lord. Fear must give way to tranquility. The darkness will give way to My light in you and defeat will not be your portion. You will not be bound, and sorrow will give place to My joy. I will comfort you and restore vitality in you. Be encouraged. For joy comes in the morning, and the sorrow will flee from you. The enemy will not prevail against you as he cannot prevail against Me. I Am with you, and you will know that My word is good for you, and I will not forget My promises to you, but will fulfill them and give you exceeding, great joy as you embrace them, says the Lord.

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