Press Forward - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Press Forward

Don’t waste your time on regretting the things of the past, says the Lord. Didn’t I say that all things work together for good to them that love Me and are called according to My purpose? My purposes are always good and are higher than yours. You do not have to understand. Just trust. I will take the bad things and use them for good. You will learn from them. You will instruct others from them. Many will benefit from all that you have experienced: the good and the bad. So, trust that even those things that are distasteful and painful have an ultimate purpose. I will make something good out of them, when I mix them together with all other positive and productive things, says the Lord.

Press on toward your future, and leave the past behind you, says the Lord. Let Me deal with it, for I Am the Only One who can put things in order, make things new, and bring good out of the evil, as I turn things around for you. You do not have to gaze back at what was, for you cannot change anything. You cannot erase anything. But I have forgiven everything, and nothing will be held against you in My books that you have asked Me to forgive. It is done. Now move forward  and let the vision that I I have given you unfold. It will not be yesterday’s vision with what was, but today’s vision for tomorrow and beyond. I do not want you to cry any longer. For I will give you joy for the journey, and you will yet rejoice in My presence and be filled with every good thing that I have laid up in store for you that you will discover, and delight in My goodness and mercy for you, says the Lord.

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