I Am your healer, says the Lord. You are not too difficult for Me. Do not look at the problems, but look up to Me. For I created you, and I can surely take care of you. I formed you in the womb of your mother. What makes you think that healing is impossible with Me? Consider this! I know all about you. I see every cell of your body. I know every function. I can do something about you. It is My will for you to be healed and whole, for I paid in full for everything that you need and desire, says the Lord.
Not only can I heal your body, but I will heal your mind and your wounded heart,says the Lord. I will restore your soul, as you put your trust in Me. I will repair the damages that the enemy has caused. You will not be victimized by him. I will defend you and fight for you, for you belong to Me. I will rescue you from the enemy and heal your wounds as I pour in the oil of My Holy Spirit within you. You will be refreshed in My presence and I will give you abundant joy and peace as you receive all that I have freely given you, says the Lord.
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