Don't Fret - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Fret

Don’t fret about the things that you see coming upon the face of the earth, says the Lord. There is nothing that has happened, is happening, or will happen that is not in My control. I Am not only aware of everything, but I Am the Sovereign. Didn’t I tell you that all things work together for good to those who love Me and are called according to My purpose? This is My call to you to trust in Me and to believe My Word. It is spoken, written, and often forgotten when things seem to be spinning out of control in your life, family and all around you. Do not forget that My purposes will never be aborted, detained, annulled, postponed, or meaningless. These things must come to pass in order that My will shall be ultimately performed, says the Lord.

You can look back in your own life and see how things worked out for you when events appeared to be senseless and harmful, says the Lord. Remember My servant, Joseph. He did not understand why He was sold by His brothers, enslaved, falsely accused, and imprisoned when it was happening. It was to fulfill My ordained purposes. The negative things that are happening in your life, betrayal, abandonment, misuse, misunderstandings, losses, pain, and difficulties were not for your destruction, but for your good and the good of others. You will see and then know that this is true when I turn things around for you. But I want you to trust in Me when you are hurting, and know that I will heal you, deliver you, restore you and use you for My glory. Then you will proclaim that I do all things well, and that nothing was meaningless or unproductive, but part of what I purposed for your good, and the good of many others, says the Lord.

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