Dream Again! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Dream Again!

Dream again, says the Lord, for your imagination can never exceed what I Am able to do and what I Am able to give you. I Am unlimited, and you cannot even begin to comprehend the vastness of My power and ability. You cannot understand My higher thoughts and ways, for they are far above what you can desire or pursue. I want you to think big and believe big, for your faith and trust in Me is never unproductive. I have given you the seed of faith to plant and water. I will give the increase as you use it. Let your faith exceed your past experiences, for restoration is only a renewal of what was. I have new things for you, says the Lord.

Reach forth! Stretch forth your hands and press into the vastness of the awesome new things that are before you, says the Lord. You need not repeat the same old things, but imagine what lies beyond what you can see right now. As you begin to dream again, you will begin to go in that direction, and things will unfold for you. The spectacular awaits, as you press forward and pursue the vision that I have given you. For your faith will find your feet to walk, and you will run in the direction of your vision, and will then take wings, says the Lord.

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