Fixed in My Will, Unrelenting in My Work - Prophetic Light

Fixed in My Will, Unrelenting in My Work

Times change. Seasons change. People change. Circumstances change. But I do not change, says the Lord.  I remain, fixed in My will, unrelenting in My work, bold in My declarations, strong in My purpose, and unbending in My word. For nothing can alter My plans and purposes that I have authored and authorize. Everything that I do is on time! There is no such thing as delay in My vocabulary, for it is impossible. I set the times and seasons, according to My purpose, and nothing can change that, says the Lord.

Your times and seasons are in My hands and in My complete control, says the Lord. There is no premature fulfillment of what I have decreed, and there are no postponements because of inconveniences or circumstances. Your difficulties cannot alter My plan that was put in place before you were born. For I Am God, and there is no other power that can operate against Me. I will never be set-back, and nothing takes Me by surprise. I know the beginning from the end, and there is no power that can change Me or My mind, and will, and purposes. For they shall be established, and complete, as I have desired, says the Lord.

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