Forever I am yours and forever you are Mine, says the Lord. I did not vow to seek and to save you that was lost just to allow the evil one to snatch you out of My hands. I hold you in the palm of My hands that created you for My purpose and pleasure, and you will not be lost. I will guide you with My eye, and if you stray, I will seek you and find you and bring you into the safety of My presence, says the Lord.

I will never banish you from My presence, and you will know My faithfulness, says the Lord. For when you come to Me, I will never reject you or cast you out of My presence. I will fill you with My presence  as I pour My Spirit into you. I will pour the oil and wine into you and heal you, as you come to Me. My presence is where you belong, and you need no special invitation. You are My child as I have redeemed you by My own blood and purchased you by My own death on the cross, and raised you up from dead works to serve Me, because you have believed in Me and come to Me in simple, child-like, dependent faith and trusted Me as your own Savior and Lord, says the Lord.

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