Unimpeachable Love - Prophetic Light

As you have joined your heart with Mine, I have anointed you with My Spirit and given you the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that you have longed for, says the Lord. I will beautify you with My Salvation and clothe you with My glory that will be seen on you. My face will shine upon you, and you will be in My radiant presence. I will draw you close to Me so that you can feel My breath on you, and hear My heartbeat, says the Lord.

My love for you is everlasting and undefeatable, says the Lord. It is a fire that cannot be quenched. I will pour out My love upon you, that knows no bounds. Fellowship with you is what I long for. Come and receive My love, as I comfort you on every side. I will sing My love songs to you, and you will hear My still, small voice within that will reassure you of My presence and My unimpeachable love for you. I have given you My best gifts and will renew your strength as you lean upon Me and let Me pour into you fresh, new life, says the Lord.

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