I Hear the Cry of Your Heart! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Hear the Cry of Your Heart!

I never close My eyes, I never slumber nor sleep, and I never even blink, says the Lord.  My eyes are wide open, and I see the hidden things, the secret things, and even know the thoughts and motives of every heart.  My ears are always open to the cry of your heart.  I hear every prayer, see every tear, and know everything about you.  I will not shut my eyes or ears to you, and I will answer you.  I Am faithful, and you can depend upon Me and My all-seeing eye, My all-hearing ear, and My all-loving heart for you, says the Lord.

You can rely on My strength that is made complete in your weakness, says the Lord.  You can know that nothing can defeat you with Me on your side. Nothing can weaken you, for your strength is in Me.  I will keep you steady and stable and sure-footed, as you entrust everything to Me.  I will not let you fall, for I will hold you up in My own righteous hand.  You will know that there is no glitch in My faithfulness, as I unveil the hidden manna and hidden treasures that I have reserved for you, and bring you into the prepared place that I have purposed for you, and give you unexpected blessings that you have no room to contain, because of My everlasting love and mercy for you, says the Lord.

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