I am your counselor, says the Lord. I do not charge you to listen to your troubles and give you the help and consolation that you need. I Am your Great Physician, and there is no fee for My healing power for you. I have fully paid the price for your healing, and I have freely given you answers that give you peace. I do not extract from you, but give you unspeakable gifts, because you belong to Me, says the Lord.

You are blessed, as I lavish My love on you, says the Lord. It will never be absent from you, for My love is unchanging, even as I Am. I love to give good gifts unto My beloved children and watch and see the expression of excitement on their faces when I give them special, unexpected surprises. It gives Me pleasure to see your joy and delight. It pleases Me to pour out My Spirit and blessings upon you, as I fill your mouth with good things as I lavish you with My loving-kindness, and tender mercies, because I have set My love upon you, and call you My beloved child, says the Lord.

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